Processing information
Single-cell and single-nuclei RNA-seq
Mapping and quantification using alevin-fry
We used salmon
and alevin-fry
to generate gene by cell counts matrices for all single-cell and single-nuclei samples.
In brief, we utilized selective alignment to the splici
index for all single-cell and single-nuclei samples.
Reference transcriptome index
For all samples, we aligned FASTQ files to a reference transcriptome index referred to as the splici
The splici
index is built using transcripts from both spliced cDNA and intronic regions.
Inclusion of intronic regions in the index used for alignment allowed us to capture both reads from mature, spliced cDNA and nascent, unspliced cDNA.
Alignment of RNA-seq data to an index containing intronic regions has been shown to reduce spuriously detected genes (He et al. (2022), Kaminow et al. 2021).
In our hands, we have found that use of the splici
index led to a more comparable distribution of unique genes found per cell to Cell Ranger than did use of an index obtained from spliced cDNA transcripts only.
Selective alignment
We mapped reads to the transcriptome index using salmon
with the default “selective alignment” strategy.
Briefly, selective alignment uses a mapping score validated approach to identify maximal exact matches between reads and the provided index.
For all samples, we used selective alignment to the splici
More detailed descriptions of the mapping strategy invoked by salmon
in conjunction with alevin-fry
can be found in Srivastava et al. (2020) and He et al. (2022).
Alevin-fry parameters
After mapping FASTQ files using selective alignment to the splici
index, we continued with the alevin-fry
pipeline using the following parameters:
During the
step ofalevin-fry
, we used the--unfiltered-pl
option, which returns any cell with at least 1 read found in a reference barcode list. For our reference barcode list, we used a list of all possible cell barcodes from 10x Genomics.We chose to use the
resolution strategy for feature quantification and UMI de-duplication. Similar to the way Cell Ranger performs feature quantification, thecr-like-em
resolution strategy assigns all UMIs that align to a single gene to that gene. In contrast to Cell Ranger,cr-like-em
keeps multi-mapped reads and invokes an extra step to assign these multi-mapped reads to a UMI.With initial mapping to the
quantification resulted in separate counts for spliced and unspliced transcripts, and an ambiguous count for reads compatible with either spliced or unspliced transcripts.
Post alevin-fry processing
Combining counts from spliced cDNA and intronic regions
For single-cell and single-nuclei samples, the reads from spliced cDNA and intronic regions are combined by gene to produce a gene by cell counts matrix. After combining read counts, values are rounded to integer values.
Filtering cells
In addition to an unfiltered counts matrix, we provide a matrix filtered to only cell barcodes from droplets that are likely to include true cells.
To do this we used DropletUtils::emptyDropsCellRanger()
, a function that estimates the profile of cells containing ambient RNA and tests the likelihood of all other droplets as differing from the ambient profile (Lun et al. 2019).
This function more closely mimics the filtering performed in Cell Ranger than does its predecessor DropletUtils::emptyDrops()
We consider droplets with an FDR less than or equal to 0.01 to be cell-containing droplets.
Only cells that pass this FDR threshold are included in the filtered counts matrix.
For some libraries, DropletUtils::emptyDropsCellRanger()
may fail due to low numbers of droplets with reads or other violations of its assumptions.
For these libraries, only droplets containing at least 100 UMI are included in the filtered counts matrix.
Processed gene expression data
In addition to the raw gene expression data, we also provide a processed SingleCellExperiment
object with further filtering applied, a normalized counts matrix, and results from dimensionality reduction.
Prior to normalization, low-quality cells are removed from the gene by cell counts matrix.
To identify low-quality cells, we use miQC
, a package that jointly models proportion of reads belonging to mitochondrial genes and number of unique genes detected.
Cells with a high likelihood of being compromised (greater than 0.75) and cells that do not pass a minimum number of unique genes detected threshold of 200 are removed from the counts matrix present in the processed SingleCellExperiment
In certain circumstances, miQC
modeling may fail; in these cases, only cells which do not pass the threshold of at least 200 unique genes are removed.
Log-normalized counts are calculated using the deconvolution method presented in Lun, Bach, and Marioni (2016). The log-normalized counts are used to model variance of each gene prior to selecting the top 2000 highly variable genes (HVGs). These HVGs are then used as input to principal component analysis, and the top 50 principal components are selected. Finally, these principal components are used to calculate the UMAP (Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection) embeddings.
Graph-based clustering is also performed, using the Louvain algorithm with 20 nearest neighbors and Jaccard weighting.
Cell type annotation
We perform cell type annotation with two complementary methods, where possible:
, a reference-based cell type annotation method (Looney et al. 2019)CellAssign
, a marker-gene–based cell type annotation method (Zhang et al. 2019)
For SingleR
annotation, we identify an appropriate reference dataset from the celldex
package and train the classification model to use ontology IDs for annotation.
Cells which SingleR
cannot confidently assign are labeled as NA
For CellAssign
annotation, we identify an appropriate set of marker genes for the given tissue type from the PanglaoDB
We combine these marker genes with all “immune cell” PanglaoDB
marker genes to create a full marker gene list for for cell type annotation.
During annotation, we additionally include an "other"
cell type that does not express any of these marker genes.
As a consequence, cells which CellAssign
cannot confidently annotate from the full marker gene list are labeled as "other"
Please be aware that all cell type annotation reference datasets are derived from normal (not tumor) tissue.
In addition, CellAssign
annotation is only performed if there are at least 30 cells present in the processed
Some cells may be labeled as “Unclassified cell” if they were not annotated with SingleR
or CellAssign
These are cells which were not present in previous ScPCA data versions on which cell typing was initially performed, so they were not labeled.
Cell type annotation is not performed for cell line samples. For information on how to determine if a given sample was derived from a cell line, refer to section(s) describing SingleCellExperiment file contents and/or AnnData file contents.
Note: For some libraries, cell type annotations were provided from the group that submitted the original data.
In these cases, the cell type annotations obtained from the submitter will be present in addition to cell type annotation performed with SingleR
and CellAssign
ADT quantification from CITE-seq experiments
CITE-seq libraries with reads from antibody-derived tags (ADTs) were also quantified using salmon
and alevin-fry
, rounded to integer values.
Reference indices were constructed from the submitter-provided list of antibody barcode sequences corresponding to each library using the --features
flag of salmon index
Mapping to these indices followed the same procedures as for RNA-seq data, including mapping with selective alignment and subsequent quantification via alevin-fry.
Combining ADT counts with RNA counts
The unfiltered ADT and RNA-seq count matrices often include somewhat different sets of cell barcodes, due to stochastic variation in library construction and sequencing. When normalizing these two count matrices to the same set of cells, we chose to prioritize RNA-seq results for broad comparability among libraries with and without ADT data. Any cell barcodes that appeared only in ADT data were discarded. Cell barcodes that were present only in the RNA-seq data (i.e., did not appear in the ADT data) were assigned zero counts for all ADTs. When cells were filtered based on RNA-seq content after quantification, the ADT count matrix was filtered to match.
Processed ADT data
An ambient profile representing antibody-derived tag (ADT) proportions present in the ambient solution is calculated from the unfiltered SingleCellExperiment
object using DropletUtils::ambientProfileEmpty()
Quality-control statistics were calculated with DropletUtils::cleanTagCounts()
(with default parameters) using this ambient profile, along with negative/isotype control information, if present.
Low-quality cells identified by DropletUtils::cleanTagCounts()
(those having high levels of ambient contamination or substantial negative/isotype control tags) are flagged but not removed except during normalization, as described below.
If DropletUtils::cleanTagCounts()
cannot reliably determine which cells to filter, then no cells will be flagged for removal.
For all cells that would be retained if DropletUtils::cleanTagCounts()
filtering were applied, log-normalized ADT counts are, by default, calculated using median-based normalization, again making use of the baseline ambient profile.
In order for this normalization to succeed, all median size factor values must be positive.
If any size factors are not positive or if ADT filtering failed, then only log-based normalization (with a pseudocount of one) will be performed.
Normalized counts for cells that would be filtered out by DropletUtils::cleanTagCounts()
are assigned as NA
Multiplexed libraries
Multiplexed libraries, or libraries with cells or nuclei from more than one biological sample, were processed to allow demultiplexing using both hashtag oligonucleotide (HTO) results and genotype data.
Hashtag oligonucleotide (HTO) quantification
HTO reads were also quantified using salmon
and alevin-fry
, rounded to integer values.
Reference indices were constructed from the submitter-provided list of HTO sequences corresponding to each library using the --features
flag of salmon index
Mapping to these indices followed the same procedures as for RNA-seq data, including mapping with selective alignment and subsequent quantification via alevin-fry.
As with the ADT data, we retained all cells with RNA-seq data, setting HTO counts to zero for any missing cell barcodes. When cells were filtered based on RNA-seq content after quantification, the HTO count matrix was filtered to match.
HTO demultiplexing
We performed HTO demultiplexing using both DropletUtils::hashedDrops()
and Seurat::HTODemux()
only on the filtered cells, using default parameters for each.
We report the demultiplexed sample calls and associated statistics for both algorithms, but do not separate the multiplexed library into individual samples.
Genetic demultiplexing
For multiplex libraries where bulk RNA-seq data is available for the individual samples, we also performed demultiplexing analysis using genotype data following the methods described in Weber et al. (2021):
Bulk RNA-seq reads from each sample were mapped to the reference genome using
(Dobin et al. 2012)Variants among the samples within each pool were identified and genotyped with
bcftools mpileup
(Danecek et al. 2021) using the mapped bulk readsPooled single-cell or single-nuclei RNA-seq reads were mapped to the reference genome using
(Kaminow et al. 2021)Individual cells were genotyped at the sites identified in the bulk RNA using
(Huang et al. 2021)Cell genotypes were used to call sample of origin with
(Huang et al. 2019)
The genetic demultiplexing calls are reported alongside HTO demultiplexing results for each library, but we again do not separate the individual samples. For information on where the demultiplexing calls can be found, see the section on demultiplexing results in the SingleCellExperiment file contents.
Spatial transcriptomics
Mapping and quantification using Space Ranger
Processing spatial transcriptomics libraries requires two steps - gene expression quantification and tissue detection.
In the absence of independent tissue detection methods to use with Alevin-fry, we used 10x Genomics’ Space Ranger to obtain both gene expression and spatial information.
spaceranger count
takes FASTQ files and a microscopic slide image as input and performs alignment, quantification, and tissue detection for each spot.
In contrast to alevin-fry
, which maps reads to a reference transcriptome index, Space Ranger aligns transcript reads to the reference genome using STAR
(Dobin et al. 2012).
See the 10x documentation for more information on how Space Ranger quantifies gene expression and detects tissue.
Bulk RNA samples
Preprocessing with fastp
Prior to quantifying gene expression for bulk RNA-seq samples, FASTQ files were pre-processed using fastp
to perform adapter trimming, quality filtering, and length filtering.
For length filtering, trimmed reads shorter than 20 basepairs were removed by using the --length_required 20
All other filtering and trimming was performed using the default strategies enabled in fastp
Mapping and quantification using salmon
To quantify gene expression for bulk RNA-seq samples, we used salmon quant
Here, we performed selective alignment of the trimmed and filtered FASTQ files to a decoy-aware reference transcriptome index (Srivastava et al. 2020).
The decoy-aware reference transcriptome, was created from spliced cDNA sequences with the entire genome sequence as a decoy.
Salmon parameters
A benefit of using salmon
is the ability to incorporate RNA-seq specific technical biases and correct counts accordingly.
We chose to enable the --seqBias
and --gcBias
flags, to correct for sequence-specific biases due to random hexamer primer and fragment-level GC biases, respectively.
Merged objects
In addition to providing separate objects for each sample, we also offer an option to download all samples (and therefore libraries) for a project as a single merged object. This merged object contains the gene expression data for all samples from a single project in a single file. This section describes how these merged objects were prepared.
Following post-processing of each SingleCellExperiment
(see the section above on post-processing) object, all objects belonging to a single ScPCA project were merged together.
These merged objects were not batch-corrected; they do not represent integrated objects.
If at least one library in the given project contained ADT data from CITE-seq experiments, the associated ADT “alternative experiment” was also merged.
Any libraries in the given project which did not contain ADT data will contain NA
values in the merged gene by counts matrices.
By contrast, cell hashing alternative experiments were not merged. For any projects with cell hash data, only the associated RNA data was merged in the final object.
After merging, new principal component analysis (PCA) coordinates and UMAP embeddings were calculated so that each library in the merged object is equally weighted.
For this, the top 2000 high-variance genes (HVGs) were calculated by modeling variance separately for each library in the merged object.
These HVGs were used as input to the PCA, which was calculated using the batchelor::multiBatchPCA
function and specifying libraries as batches, and the top 50 principal components were selected.
These new principal components were used to calculate the new UMAP embeddings found in the merged object.