Getting started with an ScPCA dataset

This section provides information on next steps you might take after downloading a dataset from the ScPCA portal. Quantified single-cell or single-nuclei gene expression data is provided as either SingleCellExperiment objects (.rds files) or AnnData objects (.h5ad files). A full description of the contents of the SingleCellExperiment and AnnData objects can be found in the single cell gene expression file contents section.

There are three objects available for each library: an unfiltered object (unfiltered.rds or unfiltered_rna.h5ad), a filtered object (filtered.rds or filtered_rna.h5ad), and a processed object (processed.rds or processed_rna.h5ad). The unfiltered object contains the gene expression data for all droplets, regardless of the presence of a cell or not. The filtered object contains the gene expression data for only droplets that are likely to contain cells, removing any probable empty droplets. See the section on filtering cells for more information on how we remove potential empty droplets.

The processed objects are further filtered to remove any low quality cells and contain both the raw and normalized gene expression data for the identified cells. Additionally, these objects contain dimensionality reduction results (principal component analysis and UMAP) and clustering assignments. See the description of the processed gene expression data for more information on the processed objects.

We recommend starting with the processed objects.

Note: We also have a separate GitHub repository that contains workflows for some common analysis performed on single-cell RNA-sequencing data. These workflows are designed to apply the same analysis (e.g., clustering) across multiple samples in parallel and is currently only for use with SingleCellExperiment objects. These workflows and more resources for processing single-cell and single-nuclei datasets can be found in the scpca-downstream-analyses repository.

Importing ScPCA data from SingleCellExperiment objects into R

The first step in analyzing the provided gene expression data stored in the SingleCellExperiment objects will be to import the data into R. To work with SingleCellExperiment objects in R, we need to ensure that we have the SingleCellExperiment package installed and loaded.

The following commands can be used to import the RDS file into R and save the SingleCellExperiment object:

# if SingleCellExperiment is not installed, install the package
# otherwise the installation step can be skipped
if (!("SingleCellExperiment" %in% installed.packages())) {

# read in the RDS file, including the path to the file's location
processed_sce <- readRDS("SCPCS000000/SCPCL000000_processed.rds")

More resources for learning about SingleCellExperiment objects:

Importing ScPCA data from AnnData objects into Python

The first step in analyzing the provided gene expression data stored in the AnnData objects will be to import the data into python. To work with AnnData objects in python, we need to ensure that we have the AnnData package installed and loaded.

The following commands can be used to import the H5AD file into python and save the AnnData object:

# load anndata module
import anndata

# read in the H5AD file, including the path to the file's location
processed_adata = anndata.read_h5ad("SCPCS000000/SCPCL000000_processed_rna.h5ad")

More resources for learning about AnnData objects:

Working with processed objects

Gene expression data

The processed objects contain both the raw and normalized gene expression data. The following commands can be used to access the expression data found in the processed SingleCellExperiment objects:

# the raw counts matrix stored in the processed object

# log normalized counts matrix stored in the processed object

The following commands can be used to access the expression data found in the processed AnnData objects:

# the raw counts matrix stored in the processed object

# log normalized counts matrix stored in the processed object

Here we provide more resources on understanding normalization in single-cell RNA-seq analysis:

Quality control data

The processed SingleCellExperiment objects already have undergone additional quality control steps to remove low quality cells. Low quality cells include those with a higher percentage of reads from mitochondrial genes (i.e., those that are damaged or dying) and those with a lower number of total reads and unique genes identified (i.e., those with inefficient reverse transcription or PCR amplification).

All processed objects include miQC results found in the colData() of the SingleCellExperiment object or the .obs slot of the AnnData object. miQC jointly models the proportion of mitochondrial reads and the number of unique genes detected in each cell to calculate the probability of a cell being compromised (i.e., dead or damaged). High-quality cells are those with a low probability of being being compromised (< 0.75) or sufficiently low mitochondrial content.

The probability compromised for each cell as calculated by miQC can be found in the prob_compromised column of the colData of SingleCellExperiment objects.

# probability compromised for each cell

The probability compromised for each cell as calculated by miQC can be found in the prob_compromised column of the .obs slot of AnnData objects.

# probability compromised for each cell

Additionally we include a column, scpca_filter, that labels cells as either Keep or Remove based on having both a prob_compromised < 0.75 and number of unique genes identified > 200. All cells included in the processed object will have Keep in the scpca_filter column. If you prefer to work with the object prior to removal of any low-quality cells, please use the filtered object, which contains all cells that were not discarded as empty droplets.

Dimensionality reduction

Dimensionality reduction is commonly used as a precursor to plotting, clustering, and other downstream analysis.

The processed objects contain results from performing principal component analysis (PCA), a technique that identifies new axes that capture the largest amount of variation in the data, and uniform manifold approximation and projection(UMAP), which may be better for visualization. Use caution when interpreting UMAP results, as location, spacing, and density of clusters can be dependent on parameter choices and random effects and do not always accurately represent the relationships among cells.

Dimensionality reduction results can be accessed in the SingleCellExperiment objects using the following commands:

# principal component analysis results
reducedDim(processed_sce, "PCA")

# UMAP results
reducedDim(processed_sce, "UMAP")

Dimensionality reduction results can be accessed in the AnnData objects using the following command:

# principal component analysis results

# UMAP results

See below for more resources on dimensionality reduction:

Highly variable genes

In the processed objects, principal components were calculated from a set of highly variable genes identified for a given library. We encourage you to visit the Feature selection chapter in Orchestrating Single Cell Analysis to read more about modeling gene variance and selecting the highly variable genes.

The list of highly variable genes used for this calculation, in order from highest to lowest variation, is stored in the metadata of the SingleCellExperiment object and the uns slot of the AnnData object.

This list can be accessed using the following command in the SingleCellExperiment objects:

# list of highly variable genes

This list can be accessed using the following command in the AnnData objects:

# list of highly variable genes


Cluster assignments obtained from Graph-based clustering is also available in the processed objects. By default, clustering is performed using the Louvain algorithm with 20 nearest neighbors and Jaccard weighting.

To access the cluster assignments in the SingleCellExperiment object, use the following command:

# cluster assignment for each cell

To access the cluster assignments in the AnnData object, use the following command:

# cluster assignment for each cell

See these resources for more information on clustering:

Cell type annotation

Processed objects may contain cell type annotations and associated metadata from one or more of the following sources.

  • Submitter-provided annotations (note that these are only present for a subset of libraries).

  • Annotations determined by SingleR, an automated reference-based method (Looney et al. 2019).

  • Annotations determined by CellAssign, an automated marker-gene based method (Zhang et al. 2019).

If at least one method was used for cell type annotation, a supplemental cell type report will be provided with the download. This report evaluates cell annotations results as follows:

  • It provides diagnostic plots to assess the quality of cell type annotations.

  • If multiple annotations are present, the report compares different annotations to one another. Strong agreement between different annotation methods is a qualitative indicator of robustness.

To determine which methods were used for cell type annotations, use the following command on the processed SingleCellExperiment object. If this returns NULL, then no cell type annotation was performed for the given library.

# show vector of available celltypes
# values will be one or more of: `submitter`, `singler`, `cellassign`

Or, use the following command on the processed AnnData object. If this returns an empty list, then no cell type annotation was performed for the given library.

# show list of available celltypes
# values will be one or more of: `submitter`, `singler`, `cellassign`

Below we provide instructions on how to access annotations from each cell type annotation method used, if present.

Note that additional information about SingleR and CellAssign annotation, including their respective reference source and versions, is also available from the processed SingleCellExperiment object’s metadata and from the processed AnnData object’s uns slot, as described in the experiment metadata table.

Submitter-provided annotations

To access submitter-provided annotations, if available, in the SingleCellExperiment, use the following command:

# submitter-provided annotations for each cell

To access submitter-provided annotations in the AnnData object, use the following command:

# submitter-provided annotations for each cell

Cells that submitters did not annotate are labeled with Submitter-excluded. Note that submitter-provided annotations are also present in unfiltered and filtered objects and can be accessed using the same approach shown here for processed objects.

SingleR annotations

SingleR annotation uses a reference dataset from the celldex package (Aran et al. (2019)).

To access automated SingleR annotations as cell type names and/or ontology terms in the process SingleCellExperiment object, use the following command(s):

# SingleR annotatins as cell type names

# Or, SingleR annotatins as cell type ontology terms

To access automated SingleR annotations as cell type names and/or ontology terms in the processed AnnData object, use the following command(s):

# SingleR annotatins as cell type names

# Or, SingleR annotatins as cell type ontology terms

Cells that SingleR could not confidently annotate are labeled with NA.

You can also access the full object returned by SingleR from the SingleCellExperiment’s metadata with the following command (note that this information is not provided in the AnnData object):

# SingleR full result

CellAssign annotations

CellAssign annotation uses a reference set of marker genes from the PanglaoDB database (Oscar Franzén et al. (2019)), as compiled by the Data Lab for a given tissue group.

To access automated CellAssign annotations in the SingleCellExperiment, use the following command:

# CellAssign annotations for each cell

To access automated CellAssign annotations in the AnnData object, use the following command:

# CellAssign annotations for each cell

Cells that CellAssign could not confidently annotate are labeled with "other".

You can also access the full predictions matrix returned by CellAssign from the SingleCellExperiment’s metadata with the following command:

# CellAssign full predictions matrix full result

Additional cell type resources

See these resources for more information on automated cell type annotation:

Working with a merged ScPCA object

Merged ScPCA objects contain all information found in processed objects for all individual libraries that comprise a given ScPCA project. For more information on how these objects were prepared, see the section on merged object preparation. Please be aware that data in merged objects has not been integrated/batch-corrected.

To work with a merged object, you will first have to read it in.

You can read in a SingleCellExperiment merged object with the following R code:

merged_sce <- readRDS("SCPCP000000_merged.rds")

You can read in an AnnData merged object with the following python code:

import anndata
adata_merged_object = anndata.read_h5ad("SCPCP000000_merged_rna.h5ad")

Analyses with merged objects

Merged object can facilitate joint analysis on multiple samples at the same time. Specifically, merged objects are useful for comparing gene-level metrics among different samples.

Some examples of analyses you can perform with a merged object include the following:

By contrast, it is recommended to control for batch effects when performing analyses that compare cell-level metrics among different samples. In order to do this, an integrated/batch-corrected object should be created. These types of analyses include, for example, differential cell abundance or differential cell composition analysis.

The merged object provided in the ScPCA Portal has not been integrated, so you will need to integrate your samples of interest to remove technical batch effects before proceeding. Note that the merged object does not contain cell clusters, which you may wish to re-compute after removing batch effects.

We recommend consulting with the following resources before performing integration:

Subsetting the merged object

You may wish to only work with a subset of libraries present in the merged object.

To subset a SingleCellExperiment merged object to a given set of libraries, use the following R code:

# Define vector of library IDs of interest
libraries <- c("SCPCL00000X", "SCPCL00000Y", "SCPCL00000Z")

# Create a subsetted merged object
subsetted_merged_sce <- merged_sce[,merged_sce$library_id %in% libraries]

To subset an AnnData merged object to a given set of libraries, use the following R code:

# Define list of library IDs of interest
libraries = ["SCPCL00000X", "SCPCL00000Y", "SCPCL00000Z"]

# Create a subsetted merged object
subsetted_adata_merged_object = adata_merged_object[adata_merged_object.obs["library_id"].isin(libraries)]

The merged object additionally contains metadata such as information about sample diagnosis, subdiagnosis, or tissue location that may be useful for subsetting. A full set of merged object contents which can support subsetting is available in <TODO: the forthcoming section forthcoming in about file contents>.

As one example, to subset a SingleCellExperiment merged object to a given diagnosis, use the following R code:

# Define diagnosis of interest
diagnosis <- "example diagnosis"

# Create a subsetted merged object
subsetted_merged_sce <- merged_sce[,merged_sce$diagnosis == diagnosis]

To subset an AnnData merged object to a given diagnosis, use the following python code:

# Define diagnosis of interest
diagnosis = "example diagnosis"

# Create a subsetted merged object
subsetted_adata_merged_object = adata_merged_object[adata_merged_object.obs["diagnosis"] == diagnosis]

What if I want to use Seurat?

The files available for download that contain SingleCellExperiment objects can also be converted into Seurat objects. You can find the code needed to convert the SingleCellExperiment objects to Seurat objects in the FAQ section.

After converting the object to a Seurat object, the same steps outlined above (quality control, filtering, normalization, dimensionality reduction) can be followed but using functions available as part of the Seurat package.

Here are some resources that can be used to get you started working with Seurat objects:

Special considerations for CITE-seq experiments

If the dataset you downloaded contains samples with ADT data from a CITE-seq experiment, the raw and normalized ADT expression matrices will be provided.

For SingleCellExperiment objects with ADT data, the ADT expression matrices will be stored as an altExp named "adt" in the same object containing the RNA expression data.

For AnnData objects with ADT data, the ADT expression matrices will be provided in separate files corresponding to the same three stages of data processing: an unfiltered object (_unfiltered_adt.h5ad), a filtered object (_filtered_adt.h5ad), and a processed object (_processed_adt.h5ad). These files will only contain ADT expression data and not RNA expression data.

We recommend working with the processed objects as they contain both the raw and normalized ADT expression matrices along with additional quality control metrics for the CITE-seq experiment. To access the ADT expression matrices in SingleCellExperiment objects, use the following commands:

# View the ADT alternative experiment
# Note that the altExp name is optional, as this is the only altExp present
altExp(processed_sce, "adt")

# the raw ADT counts matrix

# the log normalized ADT counts matrix

To access the ADT matrices in AnnData objects you will first need to read in the _adt.h5ad file, and then you can access the raw.X and X matrices as shown below:

import anndata
# read in the H5AD file with ADT data, including the path to the file's location
adt_adata = anndata.read_h5ad("SCPCS000000/SCPCL000000_processed_adt.h5ad")

# the raw ADT counts matrix

# the log normalized ADT counts matrix

Be aware that the processed objects have been filtered to remove low-quality cells based on RNA expression but have not been filtered based on ADT counts.

Filtering cells based on ADT quality control

The adt_scpca_filter column indicates which cells should be removed before proceeding with downstream analyses of the ADT data, as determined by DropletUtils::CleanTagCounts(). This process identified cells with high levels of ambient contamination and/or high levels of negative control ADTs (if available). Cells are labeled either as "Keep" (cells to retain) or "Remove" (cells to filter out).

To filter cells based on this column in the SingleCellExperiment objects, use the following command:

# Filter cells based on ADT QC statistics
processed_sce[, which(processed_sce$adt_scpca_filter == "Keep")]

To filter cells based on this column in the AnnData objects, use the following command:

# Filter cells based on ADT QC statistics
adt_adata[adt_adata.obs["adt_scpca_filter"] == "Keep"]

Note that the normalized ADT expression matrix only contains values for cells labeled as "Keep" in the adt_scpca_filter column. Any cells labeled "Remove" have NA values in the normalized expression matrix (see Processed ADT Data for more details).

Alternatively, you can also filter cells out based on your own criteria. For SingleCellExperiment objects, quality-control statistics calculated by DropletUtils::CleanTagCounts() are provided in the colData slot of the altExp (colData(altExp(filtered_sce))) as described in Additional SingleCellExperiment components for CITE-seq libraries (with ADT tags).

For AnnData objects, these same quality-control statistics are provided in the obs slot of the AnnData object as described in Additional AnnData components for CITE-seq libraries (with ADT tags).

We recommend filtering out these low-quality cells before proceeding with downstream analyses.

Here are some additional resources that can be used for working with ADT counts from CITE-seq experiments:

Special considerations for multiplexed samples

If the dataset that you have downloaded contains samples that were multiplexed (i.e. cells from multiple samples have been combined together into one library), then the steps to take after downloading will be a little different than for libraries that only contain cells corresponding to a single sample. Here, multiplexed samples refer to samples that have been combined together into one library using cell hashing and then sequenced together. This means that a single library contains cells or nuclei that correspond to multiple samples. Each sample has been tagged with a hashtag oligo (HTO) prior to mixing, and that HTO can be used to identify which cells belong to which sample within a multiplexed library. The libraries available for download on the portal have not been separated by sample (i.e. demultiplexed), and therefore contain data from multiple samples.

Note that multiplexed sample libraries are only available as SingleCellExperiment objects, and are not currently available as AnnData objects. If you prefer to work with AnnData objects, we recommend using the zellkonverter package to convert the SingleCellExperiment object to an H5AD file containing an AnnData object.

Libraries containing multiplexed samples can be initially processed using the same workflow described above including removal of low quality cells, normalization, and dimensionality reduction. Demultiplexing can then be used to identify the sample that each cell is from. Demultiplexing has already been performed using both Seurat::HTODemux and DropletUtils::hashedDrops. For samples where corresponding bulk RNA-sequencing data is available, genetic demultiplexing was also conducted. The associated demultiplexing results were summarized and are available in the colData of the processed SingleCellExperiment object. The hashedDrops_sampleid, HTODemux_sampleid, and vireo_sampleid columns in the colData report the sample called for each cell by the specified demultiplexing method. If a confident call was not made for a cell by the demultiplexing method, the column will have a value of NA. For more information on how to access the full demultiplexing results, see this description of demultiplexing results.

If desired, the sample calls identified from demultiplexing can be used to separate the SingleCellExperiment object by sample for downstream analysis.

# view the summary of the sample calls for genetic demultiplexing
# genetic demultiplexing results are stored in the vireo_sampleid column found in the colData

# identify cells that are assigned to sample A (use `which` to remove NA)
sampleA_cells <- which(multiplexed_sce$vireo_sampleid == "sampleA")

# create a new sce that only contains cells from sample A
sampleA_sce <- multiplexed_sce[, sampleA_cells]

Here are some additional resources that can be used for working with multiplexed samples (or those with cell hashing):